Asian American and Pacific Islander Resources
Welcome! This library guide was created to provide various resources related to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). The types of resources you can find in this guide are print books, eBooks, documentary films, contemporary books, digital collections, and databases.
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are the largest growing ethnic group in the United States, that include individuals with backgrounds from Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands which includes Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, and more.
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If you click on a book and want to find similar titles, look for the "Find Similar Results" button in the EBSCO ebook Collection or the "You may also like" recommendations in ProQuest Ebook Central.
This guide was created by your Fall 2023 Library and Instruction Intern:
Urusa Ali, MLIS, UCLA Class of 2024