Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Daryl Barker and I one of the new Reference and Instruction Library Interns this semester. I am currently a first year MLIS student at UCLA where I am focusing on academic librarianship. I am really interested in LGBTQ representation in libraries and archives and I have been working on several projects at UCLA related to that topic. I also have am interest in Supreme Court Law and I have been working on a project with a former professor for the last two years related to doing a rhetorical analysis of LGBTQ civil rights cases. I did my undergrad at Occidental in politics after serving 6 years in the US Navy submarine service. In the before time I was also a big fan of beach volleyball, rollerskating and bowling.
I am super excited to be working at ELAC! I can't wait to meet you and I am really looking forward to opportunities to get to know all of you and potential for collaboration, as well as, getting experience assisting you in whatever way I can in the library. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just to say hi!
Welcome to the team, Daryl! We're happy to have you on board this semester!
Thanks for the warm welcome and for having me this semester Rita! :D
Great to have you at ELAC, Daryl! Thanks for sharing about your professional and academic background, and looking forward to learning together this semester :)
Hello Daryl! Welcome to ELAC. Thanks for sharing your interesting background, experiences, and projects. We both enjoy rollerskating. I recently bought a new pair of skates, and I'm rolling my way through Santa Clarita. I look forward to working with you.
Thank you so much Amy! Maybe we will be able to skate together one day soon :D
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