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Collection Development Policy

This guide outlines the ELAC Libraries' Collection Development policies.

Collection Development Goals


Selection Methods

Guiding Principle

We will not exclude materials because of the author(s)’ race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political or social viewpoint. Selection of materials does not imply library endorsement of content or expressed views.

Bibliographic Tools

Librarians use the following tools to select materials:

  • Professional review sources: Resources for College Libraries, Choice Reviews, Library Journal, etc.
  • Faculty, staff, and student recommendations
  • Award winner lists
  • Publisher and eBook vendor catalogs and recommendations
  • Librarians' subject expertise

Selection Criteria: Audio-Visual Materials

  • Support the college curriculum and faculty teaching and student learning needs
  • Supplement print and electronic materials 
  • Represent diverse social, gender, political, class, and cultural traditions
  • All DVD, Blu-ray, DVD-ROM or CD-ROMs must include closed captions

Selection Criteria: Print Books

  • Support the college curriculum and/or student lifelong learning
  • Enhance classroom teaching and students’ independent learning
  • Support campus professional development
  • Appropriate level for community college students
  • Recent publication date or a recognized classic in a field
  • Meet users’ cultural and career planning needs

Selection Criteria: Electronic Resources (Databases, eBooks, Streaming Media)


  • All Library e-Resources must comply with ADA Section 508 by meeting WCAG 2.1 Level AA standards or accessible to all users through an alternate access plan.
  • All District Information Communication Technology (ICT) products must undergo VPAT review and approval of alternate access plans.
  • Visual media must include closed captions.

Cost Factors

  • Sustainability: ability to maintain on-going subscription costs
  • Available pricing models: 
    • Annual subscriptions
    • Patron-driven acquisition (PDA) or Demand driven acquisition (DDA)
    • One-time purchases and perpetual access files
  • CCLC Consortium pricing


  • Aligns with campus curricular needs
  • Relevant and reflective of campus community
  • Fills gap(s) in existing e-Resources collection
  • Authority: Content developed by respected experts
  • Scope of coverage: access to current and archived content
  • Full-text access to PDF files
  • Multiple file formats
  • Availability of original images and data sets (i.e., newspapers, magazines, journals)

Licensing Requirements

  • Purchases through CCLC consortium do not require a license agreement
  • Direct purchases require a license agreement between the vendor and LACCD


  • Accommodates off campus proxy authentication
  • Hosting options: Cloud-based versus mandatory campus hosting
  • Responsive technical support
  • Supplies relevant, standard usage reports
  • Embeddable in campus LMS


  • eBooks: DRM restrictions; number of simultaneous users; and downloadable, printable content
  • Useful metadata
  • Intuitive interface
  • Clear organization and display of information
  • Flexible browser compatibility
  • Administrative options: ability to customize search and display options
  • User tools: email, cite (updated citation styles), download, save, highlight/ notes, etc. and option to create personal account

Selection Criteria: Print Periodicals

  • Relevance to the college curriculum, student research, and faculty teaching needs 
  • Expected or actual use will determine subscription addition and cancellation
  • Appropriateness for general interest and leisure reading
  • Full-text availability and reliability of coverage in online periodicals databases
  • ELAC-published print periodicals of historical value
  • Access full Periodicals Collection Development Policy

Collection Evaluation & Weeding

Collection Evaluation & Weeding

  • Librarians regularly evaluate the collection to weed and discard outdated, obsolete or damaged materials.
  • Discipline faculty/subject experts will be invited to participate in evaluating and weeding the collection and be advised when items are under consideration for disposal.
  • The following criteria will be used to determine which materials should be removed:
    • Use of materials (amount and frequency of circulation)
    • Usage stats for e-Resources
    • Date of copyright or publication.
    • New editions of valued works will be purchased to replace older editions.
    • Physical condition of the material
    • Relevance of the subject matter to the current curriculum

Gifts & Donations

Gifts & Donations

The library does not accept donations or gift books.