ELAC Students: While OER has a longer definition, you should know that classes that use OER are those that do not require students to purchase a textbook or access code. These classes are also known as Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC).
You can search for OER/ZTC classes in the ELAC and LACCD Schedule of Classes under "Class Search Type" as "Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)." Additionally, there is a search option for "Low Cost Textbook Classes"--the textbooks and other materials in these classes are under $50. See: "Students: How to find OER classes!" for more details.
ELAC faculty have been involved in the creation of OER that are valuable sources for those of us here at ELAC and in the greater higher education community!
Canvas Modules:
Are you an ELAC professor who has created any OER? Email concofme@elac.edu to be added to this list!. We want to celebrate your good work!
Open educational resources (OER) include any and all educational resources, such as:
To be "open" these materials need to be free in two ways:
Here's the official definition of OER by UNESCO:
"Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others."
OER refers to not only textbooks, but so many other resources we use in our classrooms! Getting started in adopting OER can mean adopting an entire textbook, parts of a textbook, content from Canvas Commons, or perhaps licensing your own classroom content as OER for your colleagues to use in their classrooms. Most educators already practice this kind of sharing of educational resources already! Have you ever lent a colleague your syllabus for them to develop their course? Or has a colleague given you a really awesome handout or assignment prompt for you to adopt in your own course? OER is aligned with this spirit of sharing, just with a larger community and by purposefully applying open licenses to your work!
Adapted from OSU Library's "Open Educational Resources" CC-BY, 4.0.
OER Courses:
Implementing OER
Articles on Open Resources