OER stands for open educational resources. They are "open" in two ways: 1) they are free of cost, and 2) they are openly licensed, often through Creative Commons licenses. The open license allows professors to use these OER in their classrooms–including textbooks, Canvas modules, and lab materials–and it also allows people to make derivatives, or new works that build on the original.
ZTC stands for zero textbook cost. This means the materials are free of cost, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the ZTC textbook or other material is openly licensed. An example is a required textbook that you access through the library's databases. You are able to access your textbook free of cost, but that's because the library provides access through their subscriptions. The book is still copyrighted and has several restrictions for use.
In short, all OER are ZTC but not all ZTC are OER! OER and ZTC mean free educational resources for students, but OER also means permissive copyright licenses that allow for free sharing and remixing.
Go to the ELAC Schedule of Classes. Click on the searchable schedule of classes.
Limit your search as you normally would when selecting classes. Choose your subject (e.g. Biology, Art History), campus (e.g. East Los Angeles College), days of the week (e.g. Mondays), or any other criteria.
You're going to now limit to just search for classes that do not require students to purchase textbooks or other educational materials! Under "Class Search," there is an option to limit your results by "Class Search Type."
Choose, "Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)." You can also search for "Low Textbook Cost."
Click on "Search." Now all of the classes you see will be ZTC (or LTC, depending on your search). For courses labeled ZTC, you will NOT be required to purchase a textbook. For courses labeled LTC, your course materials will cost $50 or less.
When you enroll in your courses in the SIS, search for this same course. You should see a note that says:
ZTC: All textbooks/readings will be provided free of cost.
LTC: Textbooks assigned to this class are less than $50.