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Open Educational Resources

Step-by-Step Guide to Searching for OER Classes in the Class Schedule

Step 1:

Go to the ELAC Schedule of Classes. Click on the searchable schedule of classes.

Schedule of Classes and Student Services Handbook/Class Schedule page

Step 2:

Limit your search as you normally would when selecting classes. Choose your subject (e.g. Biology, Art History), campus (e.g. East Los Angeles College), days of the week (e.g. Mondays), or any other criteria.

Step 3: 

You're going to now limit to just search for classes that do not require students to purchase textbooks or other educational materials! Under "Class Search," there is an option to limit your results by "Class Search Type."

Choose, "Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)." You can also search for "Low Textbook Cost."

Options under "Class Search Type" limiter, including "Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)"

Step 4:

Click on "Search." Now all of the classes you see will be ZTC (or LTC, depending on your search). For courses labeled ZTC, you will NOT be required to purchase a textbook. For courses labeled LTC, your course materials will cost $50 or less.

Step 5:

When you enroll in your courses in the SIS, search for this same course. You should see a note that says:

ZTC: All textbooks/readings will be provided free of cost.


LTC: Textbooks assigned to this class are less than $50.

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