Los Angeles Community College District Board Policies: Campus Visitors, BP 3975
October 6, 2021
Last Revised
October 6, 2021
Last Reviewed
October 6, 2021
An individual who is not a current student of a particular college, nor an employee of the Los Angeles Community College District assigned to that particular college, shall be considered in this policy as a visitor to the campus whenever he/she enters the campus.
Activities of Campus Visitors
No visitor on campus shall attend a college activity limited to college personnel without prior approval of the college president or his/her authorized representative. Any visitor on campus may attend a college event or activity which is authorized as open to the public. All rules of conduct are applicable to the conduct of any visitor, and violation of said rules of conduct will constitute grounds for the president of the college to order the visitor to leave the campus.
Visitors Who Disrupt
In any case in which a person who is not a student or officer or employee of the Los Angeles Community College District and who is not required by his/her employment to be on the campus or any other facility owned, operated or controlled by the Board of Trustees, enters such campus or facility, and it reasonably appears to the president or his/her designated representative or representatives that such person is committing any act likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct of the activities of such campus or facility or has entered such campus or facility for the purpose of committing any such act, the president or his/her designated representative or representatives may direct such person to leave such campus or facility, and if such person fails to do so or if such person willfully and knowingly reenters upon such campus or facility within seven (7) days after being directed to leave, he/she is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus For a Period Lasting Up to Fourteen (14) Days
In addition to the procedure above, the president or his/her designated representative may notify a person that consent to remain on the campus or other facility owned, operated or controlled by the Board of Trustees has been withdrawn for a period lasting up to fourteen (14) days whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that such person has willfully disrupted the orderly operation of such campus or facility.
Whenever consent is withdrawn by an authorized officer or employee other than the president, such officer or employee shall as soon as is reasonably possible submit a written report to the president, containing a description of the person from whom consent was withdrawn, including, if available, the person’s name, address, and phone number, and a statement of the facts giving rise to the withdrawal of consent. If the president (or in the president’s absence, a person designated by him/her for this purpose), upon reviewing the report, finds that there is reasonable cause to believe that such person has willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the campus or facility, he/she may enter written confirmation upon the report of the action taken by the officer or employee. If the president (or in the president’s absence, the person designated by him/her) does not confirm the action of the officer or employee within twenty-four (24) hours after the time that consent was withdrawn, the action of the officer or employee shall be deemed void and of no force or effect. However, even if an action of an officer or employee is not ultimately confirmed within the twenty-four (24) hour period, any arrest made during this period may be deemed to have been made for probable cause.
Consent shall be reinstated by the president or his/her designated representative whenever he/she has reason to believe that the presence of the person from whom consent was withdrawn will not constitute a substantial and material threat to the orderly operation of the campus or facility. In no case shall consent be withdrawn for longer than fourteen (14) days from the date upon which consent was initially withdrawn.
The person from whom consent has been withdrawn may submit a written request for a hearing on the withdrawal within the two-week period. The written request shall state the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. The president or his/her designated representative shall grant such a hearing not later than seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the request and shall immediately mail a written notice of the time, place, and date of such hearing to such person.
Any person who has been notified by the president or his/her designated representative that consent to remain on the campus or facility has been withdrawn pursuant to this subdivision, who has not had such consent reinstated, and who willfully and knowingly enters or remains upon such campus or facility during the period for which consent has been withdrawn is guilty of a misdemeanor. This subdivision does not apply to any person who enters or remains on such campus or facility for the sole purpose of applying to the president for the reinstatement of consent or for the sole purpose of attending a hearing on the withdrawal.
Application for a Civil Restraining Order
The Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee may authorize the Office of General Counsel to apply for a civil restraining order against any person who repeatedly commits acts interfering with the peaceful conduct of the activities of any campus or any other facility owned, operated or controlled by the Board of Trustees. The filing of such an action shall be reported promptly by the Office of General Counsel to the Board of Trustees.
Non-Student on Campus Without Lawful Business Thereon
Any person who is not a student, officer or employee of the District, or one who is not required by his/her employment to be on a campus or any other facility owned, operated or controlled by the Board of Trustees, shall not be allowed on any campus or any facility owned operated or controlled by the Board of Trustees, unless he/she has lawful business thereon. “Lawful business” means a reason for being present which is not otherwise prohibited by statute, by ordinance, or by regulation adopted pursuant to statute or ordinance.
Penal Code Sections 626.4, 626.6, and 626.8
Source: LACCD Board Policies